We Practice What We Preach

At Retrofit, we’re all about being the change we want to see in our community. Our goal of improving the quality of Indy’s housing has led us to our own construction projects.

Looking for a house?

The houses we buy become retrofit projects of our own. There are many people out there just like you, who are looking for clean, comfortable, safe and healthy homes. But the housing market has been slow to respond. Our homes showcase many of the same features we design into custom homes for our clients.

Let us buy your house!

Why? Because renovating your home, or living there through all the changes, can often be overwhelming especially for children or seniors. Sometimes, the best course of action is to find a new home and sell the one you’re in. If the thought of moving seems just as daunting, let us show you some options that may help relieve some of the stress of the situation. We can solve a number of issues and provide you with a path forward.