Healthy Buildings Are a Thing

Study after study has shown incredible benefits for occupants of healthy buildings. This long list of advantages includes even more than just stress reduction, increased mental performance, and enhanced positive attitude. In addition to improved health, the overall increase in performance has other benefits as well. Here are a few different ways we look at each and every home, as part of our basic services.

Biophilic Design

It looks like a scary word, but it’s really quite simple. From the beginning of time, we’ve subconsciously designed our environments to keep us connected with nature. The modern home shouldn’t fight that natural instinct. Biophilic design, theorized by Edward O. Wilson, uses 14 distinct patterns of connection to nature.


Air Quality

Your home indoor air quality should be better than the air outside, not worse. But sometimes the parts and pieces of our homes degrade that air quality, often to dangerous levels, without us even knowing. We design around recognized industry standards. The US EPA Indoor airPlus program is dedicated to ensuring your air is clean and safe. In addition, the EPA’s EnergyStar program gives us specific requirements to help reduce moisture and water issues that could lead to mold, mildew and other indoor air complications.



Being efficient shouldn’t mean sacrificing creature comforts. The US EPA WaterSense and EnergyStar programs have simplified the process of making your home more efficient through reducing water and electricity waste. We use these checklists as a foundational part of improving your home.


Universal Design

Whether you plan on moving in a few years or staying for the long haul, we’re attentive to the differences between each of us. Our mobility and capabilities can change from one day to the next so we plan around ease of use, for everyone.



A long lasting home can endure whatever the environment sends its way. We use building science to detail your home for the climate you’re in, and plan for the changes it might see in years ahead.


Appraisal Value

Another great reason to improve your home is the bump in appraisal value. When making it more sustainable, you get an even bigger bump! Not only are you feeling great inside your home and doing good for the environment, but you’re also adding more value by going above and beyond the building code.



After all the hard work is done, let’s make sure everything works as it should. Even the best built homes have hiccups from time to time. We’ll go over each system from top to bottom to make sure your home functions as good as it looks, and that you understand why it does what it does.